This could just be a case of Scotiabank behaving badly, being overzealous, not understanding how to deal with a Power of Attorney, or just having zilch in the category of human decency. What ever the reason Scotia deserves all the bad press they can get over their treatment of this dying women.
On the other hand this could just be a large bullion bank doing its best to make damn sure this obviously savvy lady did not convert her silver certificates into bullion, figuring if they delayed until she died her kids would be more than content cashing them out in fiat dollars. In the end she did finally get her bullion but how many other dying customers would have gone to this effort?
Which is worse, no compassion or being self serving bastards? Not much of a choice is it?
Banks are evil, corrupt and working for their best interests not yours. Please people, if you have paper silver demand redemption and tell your friends, neighbours co-workers etc the same message.
I never thought I'd say something positive about Christie Blatchford, but kudos to her for exposing this.
She likes a good sob story and a reason to demonize someone/something, its an easy story. I doubt she would never cover the crimes committed by the bullion banks however which is impoverishing many thousands.
The banks are the biggest thieves in the world, operated by some of the most corrupt and unconscionable people around, so it doesn't surprise me that they'd try to screw an old and dying woman out of what is rightfully hers. Let this sad story be a lesson to all to get their silver in the form of physical bullion, keep it in their possession, and keep their mouth shut about it. Silver certificates are merely promissory notes (IOUs), and will soon have the same redeemability as Bre-X stock certificates, if they already don't. Get physical, or get burned. It's your choice.
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